Wife “Disrespects” Husband By Serving Him Coffee, So He Pours It Onto The Floor
Let's get one thing clear; the key to a successful relationship is having open communication between you and your significant other.
And remember, when you have kids, life will change and become very stressful, and it isn't worth ruining over a simple cup of coffee. Intrigued? Read on!
Dear Husbands,

Dear husbands, your wife has carried your baby in her body for nearly ten months. It's a lot of stress on her physically and emotionally.
Together, the two of you decided to build this family. So do not do what this guy does.
Her Husband Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

This wife took to Reddit and asked if she was in the wrong regarding a situation between her and her husband.
Her husband woke up "not in the mood" one morning and told her to make him a coffee.
She Made Him His Regular

So the wife, being thoughtful, made her husband a coffee just the way he liked it - with extra sugar!
But that morning, when he tasted it, he didn't like it and said it was too sweet.
But He Didn't Like It

She told him that it was the way he always had his coffee - but he wasn't having it. He was in too much of a bad mood to enjoy it.
So he told her to make him another one!
He Told Her To Make Another One

The wife was shocked and refused to make him another because he already had a perfectly fine cup of coffee.
So the husband did what any reasonable person would do.
He Did What?!

The husband purposely dropped the coffee on the floor and said he "no longer has it."
Then he persisted in telling his wife to make him another coffee. This blew up into a big argument.
She Disrespected Him??

The wife walked out and went to work; she received many texts from her husband saying that she disrespected him.
Not only that, but because she was so stubborn, he didn't have his daily coffee.
He's Holding This Over Her Head!?

Then the husband crossed a line.
He reminded his wife of all the work he's picked up and how much time and rest he had to sacrifice the first week after delivering their baby.
A Mother Needs To Rest!

As many women, after delivering a child, this wife couldn't do much and needed the husband's help for the first week postpartum.
For those who don't know, delivering a baby is hard on a mother's body, and she needs to rest!
He Thinks He's Owed A Favor

But this husband thought he was doing the wife a favor and expected her to owe him.
He told her she should have returned one of the "many favors" by making another coffee instead of ruining his day.
Reddit Support

The answer, by the way, is that she's not in the wrong!
Many on Reddit support her and have stated that this is a red flag for a potentially manipulative relationship.
Look At The Relationship

People change over time; the hope is that as a couple, you can change together!
But sometimes, you need to step back and take a look at your relationship and reflect on if it's still working.