Foods To Avoid If You’re Diabetic
Diabetes is a chronic disease that influences the body's response to insulin. Of course, not all types of diabetes develop as a result of diet choices, but all types of diabetes will affect future decisions regarding what you choose to eat.
It can be difficult to navigate which foods work best for your body. Keep reading to learn which foods you shouldn't eat if you're sensitive to insulin.
Stay Away From Sports Drinks

Sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade like to market themselves as healthy choices for active individuals, but that's just not the case. Many sports drinks contain just as much sugar as popular sodas. The electrolytes, sodium, and minerals in sports drinks are designed to rehydrate you quickly, but sometimes those beneficial ingredients come with a lot of carbs, sodium, and caffeine--all of which diabetics should avoid.
There are some brands of sports drinks that are okay for people with diabetes to consume, though. Always talk to your doctor to ensure that a drink like this is right for you.
Don't Pick Fat-Free Salad Dressings

You might think you're choosing the healthier option when you opt for salad dressing that's labeled as "fat-free" or "low fat," but in reality, these dressings aren't any healthier than their full-fat counterparts. Full-fat dressings contain healthy fats that help the body to absorb nutrients. The best way to dress your salad is to mix oil and vinegar in your own home so you know you aren't consuming any added sugars.
Small studies assert that salad dressings can improve glucose levels. In the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers wrote that salad dressing helps blood glucose levels.
Good Muffins Vs. Bad Muffins

Another grab-on-the-go item that diabetics should avoid are muffins. While whole-grain options contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, muffins made of white flour are simply bad news.
If you can't imagine a morning without a muffin, choose one made of whole grain, which studies show may help lower the risk of glucose tolerance worsening in diabetics, according to a 2012 study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Honey Isn't Healthier Than Sugar

Honey might be a more natural alternative to sugar. It may even taste better in some contexts. But don't be fooled by its natural state— honey is just sugar in a different form.
Honey has a slightly lower glycemic index than white sugar, but it's still sugar and it still raises our blood sugar levels. In 2014, research in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that honey raises peoples' blood sugar 30 minutes after eating. Dr. M. Regina Castro of Mayo Clinic says that there is no advantage substituting honey for sugar.
Choose High Fat Milks

Some people automatically assume that lower-fat dairy products are better for your overall health. This isn't the case. Although it was common in the past for health experts to suggest that diabetics maintain a low-fat diet, they have since changed their tune. Low-fat milks supply less fat but replace it with sugar. Registered dietitian Nicole Anziani says that this can spike your blood sugar.
Also, in 2014, Swedish researchers connected high-fat dairy to a lower risk of diabetes.
Diet Soda Is Not Better That Regular Soda

Most people know that soda doesn't fit into a diabetic diet. But did you know that diet soda carries risks as well? Research by the American Diabetes Association found a consistent link between diet drinks and diabetes. Participants who drank it daily had a 67% higher chance of type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar levels, belly fat, and metabolic syndrome.
Another study in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology linked diet soda to a higher risk of diabetic retinopathy. This damages the blood vessels around the eyes and may cause diabetics to go blind. Do yourself a favor and avoid diet sodas.
Stay Away From Flavored Yogurt

In 2015, a meta-analysis in PLoS ONE concluded that yogurt is healthy for diabetes. But this review only focused on whole, unsweetened yogurt. Flavored and fruit-filled yogurts are packed with added sugars, according to registered dietitian Despina Hyde Gandhi.
Although most dairy products have a low glycemic index, add-ons such as granola, syrups, and fruit raise the index. Buy plain, non-flavored yogurt and include fresh fruits and nuts to flavor it yourself. Registered dietitian Heather Cunningham recommends checking the label for less than 20 grams of carbs and no added sugars.
Cereal Bars Aren't Really Breakfast Food

Cereal bars and granola bars often claim to be a healthy breakfast alternative for people on the go, but that simply isn't the case. These bars are highly processed and full of sugar. Some are about as healthy as a Snickers bar.
According to Diabetes UK, cereal bars contain healthy complex carbs and simple carbs. Simple carbohydrates include fructose and glucose, which transform into sugar in your body. All of that sugar can really spike your insulin levels.
Nutella is Dessert, Not Breakfast

If you've ever seen a commercial for Nutella, you know that this delicious chocolate hazelnut spread markets itself as a healthy part of a balanced breakfast. It claims to be healthier than most sweets or desserts because it's made with whole milk and roasted hazelnuts. While those ingredients are in the mix, they also add a lot of sugar to make the spread taste good.
In Nutella, "sugar and palm oil are the first, and most prevalent, ingredients instead of hazelnuts, which can promote high blood sugar and inflammation," explains registered dietitian Jenna Braddock.
Don't Order A Latte Or A Cappuccino

If you don't have diabetes, drinking coffee or consuming caffeine won't do anything to cause you to develop the disease, however, if you already have diabetes, caffeine can destabilize your blood sugar. According to a 2008 study, 250 mg of caffeine increases your blood sugar by 8%. If you're sensitive to insulin, this spike could really affect your overall health.
Coffee that contains a lot of dairy and sugar is even worse. Diabetics can enjoy a cup of black coffee every now and then, but they should avoid sweetened coffee drinks altogether.
Get Your Energy Elsewhere

With high levels of sugar and caffeine, energy drinks are a bombshell for diabetics. In 2015, researchers reported that energy drinks spike insulin and blood sugar, even in teenagers. One beverage can raise your blood glucose by up to 30%.
Scientists from the University of Calgary, Canada, say that energy drinks increase your risk of metabolic syndrome, even in children. To make matters worse, many energy drink companies don't reveal all of their ingredients. Many people don't know what they're drinking. Stay safe rather than sorry and avoid energy drinks.
Potato Chips Aren't The Best Snack Choice

Potato chips aren't the enemy of diabetics, but they aren't all that healthy, either. These delicious salty snacks can be super addictive. It's true what they say on the can— once you pop, you can't stop.
Potato chips also often contain a lot of sodium. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure, and diabetics should avoid it, says Diabetes UK. Research in the Journal of Nutrition reports that high-sodium foods make us want to eat more.
Avoid Char-Grilled Meat

We've mentioned that processed meats can be harmful to diabetics-- here's another type of meat to avoid that may be surprising. Dietitians warn diabetics against eating meat that is char-grilled. Burnt meat is high in advanced glycation end products. This can cause insulin resistance while damaging cell receptors.
If your meat patty comes off the BBQ well-done, the American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics remove the pieces that are blackened.
Sugar-Free Coffee Creamers Aren't Your Friend

Many know that sweet coffee drinks raise blood sugar, but what about coffee creamer? Can you use a sugar-free substitute? Registered dietitian and nutritionist Alison Massey says no. Sugar-free creamers contain artificial sweeteners that still harm blood glucose levels in diabetes.
The best option for diabetes, Massey says, is plain half and half. It has a bit of fat, but that's preferable to the high sugar in most coffee creamers. If you need some sweetness in your coffee, try a safe artificial sweetener such as Stevia.
The Story With Popcorn

By itself, popcorn is a safe diabetes snack. According to the USDA, popcorn has high fiber and a low glycemic index. The problem arises when people top popcorn with flavors. Salt, butter, caramel, and cheese can spike blood sugar and blood pressure.
Registered dietitian Jill Corleone of SF Gate recommends staying away from pre-packaged popcorn, which often contains too much sugar and salt. Look for air-popped popcorn or "light" versions. If you need a topping, use a diabetes-safe cheese or combine the popcorn with a safe snack like nuts.
Be Careful With Juice

There was a whole juicing trend a little while ago that claimed that juice was a health drink. While juice may not be that detrimental to people without diabetes, people living with diabetes should be extra careful about the amount of juice they consume. Most juices have a high amount of carbs, calories, and sugar. Registered dietitian and nutritionist Lynn Grieger does not recommend these juices for type 2 diabetes.
On the other hand, 100% orange juice has more fruit than added sugars. In 2019, a study in Nutrients asserted that orange juice has the same positive effect on insulin as whole oranges.
Dried Fruit Is Not As Healthy As Fresh Fruit

Diabetics can eat certain fruits, as they are part of a healthy diet. But they should avoid dried fruit because they are highly concentrated forms of whole fruit. "In these concentrated forms, everything goes up," says nutritionist Rupali Datta. "The sugar levels, the glycemic index."
Because dried fruits are smaller than fresh ones, people tend to eat more. For instance, a cup of fresh grapes has 27 carbs, but a cup of raisins has 115 carbs. Diabetics are far more likely to receive a blood sugar spike from dried fruits.
Don't Eat White Bread

Despite what some people believe, people with diabetes can eat bread. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) encourages it--but only if you eat whole grain bread in moderation. Because of its high glycemic index, white bread raises peoples' risk of diabetes, according to research in Diabetes Care.
Registered dietitian Susan Weiner says that whole-grain bread has higher fiber, which improves your glycemic response. Because white bread does not have that fiber, it's more likely to spike blood sugar. You can buy whole-grain options for your favorite breads, including sourdough and rye.
No More Canned Fruits And Vegetables

Canned fruits and vegetables are a subject of debate in diabetic diets. On the one hand, research in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine noted that canned produce has the same nutritional value as fresh produce. On the other hand, canned fruits and vegetables have more sugar and salt, respectively.
Canned fruit has added sugars as preservatives, while canned vegetables have more sodium. Plus, cans contain bisphenol A (BPA). In 2015, researchers linked BPA to higher rates of type 2 diabetes. You'll have to decide whether the convenience of canned foods is worth the risk.
Processed Meats Are The Worst Meats

Diabetics can eat meat, but they should avoid processed meats. In 2010, Harvard researchers reported that processed meats raise your risk of type 2 diabetes by 19%. The high sodium and chemical preservatives harm people with diabetes.
In this study, fresh red meat did not worsen diabetes; only processed beef did. An Israeli study found that processed meats increase insulin resistance and the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Theses risks heighten with the number of meats that you eat. If you dish out small portions, you may remain healthy.
Stay Away From High-Salt Cheeses

Cheese can help a diabetic diet. In The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study found that cheese can lower peoples' chances of type 2 diabetes. But not all cheeses are created equal. Some have much higher sodium than others. For instance, mozzarella has four milligrams of salt per ounce, while feta has 316 milligrams per ounce.
Some cheeses also have more nutrients than others. Parmesan and Monterey Jack are high in protein, while Provolone offers more calcium than others. Search for low-sodium varieties whenever possible, and always check the label.
Don't Consume Fast Food

Although diabetics can eat fast food, most of it doesn't help their condition. "[Fast-food meals] high in sodium, carbs, and unhealthy saturated fat," explains Sandra Arevalo, a spokeswoman for the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Many meals with fries and a soda have over 1,000 calories.
Fortunately, many fast-food restaurants now offer salads and low-carb sandwiches. The American Diabetes Association provides some tips for eating out. Get the smallest sized lunch; replace soda with water; swap the side of fries or share it with someone else.
Keep The French Fries Off Of Your Plate

Potatoes themselves are high in carbs, but this gets worse after they're fried. Vegetable oils in frying fill fries with trans fats, and they're all simple carbs. Both will raise your blood sugar and keep it elevated for a long time, says registered dietitian Lori Zanini. She calls it "a tough combination for diabetics."
A small serving of fries has 33 grams of carbohydrates and a high glycemic index. The body could handle French fries if they had more fiber, but they don't. Avoid French fries if you have diabetes.
Don't Eat Pre-Packaged Baked Goods

Despite what some people think, diabetics can eat some baked goods. But pre-packaged pastries and sweets are often more dangerous than freshly-baked ones. These have more sugar from preservatives. They are also made with refined carbohydrates.
Registered dietitian Amy Kimberlain, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that refined carbs transform into sugar inside the body. This produces more insulin, which diabetics don't need more of. There are plenty of diabetic-friendly pastries out there, but avoid the pre-packaged ones unless you know that you can eat them.
Choose Plain Over Flavored Oatmeal

On its own, oatmeal makes a healthy meal for diabetics. But instant oatmeal with added flavors ruins all the benefits. Registered dietitian Leah Kaufmam warns people with diabetes to steer clear of flavored oatmeals, such as "Maple Brown Sugar."
These flavors usually have sweeteners, preservatives, and added sugars that harm peoples' blood sugar levels. You can eat instant oatmeal, but choose the unsweetened variety. Flavor it yourself with fresh fruits, nut butter, and diabetic-friendly artificial sweeteners. Raw oatmeal contains healthy fiber and grains for a diabetic diet.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

A lot of artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and Sweet'n Low claim to be "diabetic-friendly," In 2018, researchers discovered that artificial sweeteners contribute to diabetes and obesity more than most people realize. Sweeteners affect your blood glucose and blood vessels in a way that only harms your insulin.
There are some sweeteners that are safe for diabetics to use, though. Talk to your doctor about Stevia and tagatose. These sweeteners have not harmed blood glucose levels in clinical studies.
Fruit Smoothies Can Spike Your Blood Sugar

A fruit smoothie may sound like a healthy and refreshing option for a snack or breakfast, but diabetics should be extra cautious, if not avoid them completely. That's because the sugar and carbohydrate count in the blended drink climbs with every ingredient, and that's bad for blood sugar.
Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, says "Smoothies can be large whacks of carbs and sugar, especially if there's no protein or healthy fat that acts similarly to fiber to slow digestion and prevent blood sugar from spiking."
Country Fried Steak Is Not Healthy

Some of the foods on this list are not blatantly harmful to diabetics, with perhaps just one component pushing the food or drink over the edge, like orange juice. But country fried steak is not one of them. This menu item, although loved by many, is full of red flags for a diabetic's diet.
The white flour breading in country fried steak basically acts as glue in your intestines. And the steak it's encasing is full of high-fat. Your health will thank you for avoiding this dish.
Don't Eat Cinnamon Rolls

Le'ts be honest, the smell of cinnamon rolls wafting through the house in the morning is nothing but divine. It's okay for everyone in the family to enjoy the smell and the moment, but diabetics should opt for a healthier alternative than filling their plate with a frosted cinnamon roll.
Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN, says, "Cinnamon rolls [...] can contain more saturated fat and added sugars than people with diabetes should have in an entire day."
Double-Check Your Chocolate Milk

Chocolate is not the diabetes death bomb that some people consider it to be. Diabetes UK says that cocoa powder has some health benefits for blood pressure levels. Technically, you can drink diabetes-safe chocolate milk. But many store-bought chocolate milk and hot chocolate mixes have too much sugar.
If you buy a high-sugar chocolate mix, you'll receive too much carbs from the milk and a blood sugar spike. Instead of buying a mix from the store, make your own with raw cocoa powder and a diabetes-safe sweetener.
Most Cereal Isn't Healthy

Breakfast cereals can be diabetes-friendly if they contain whole grains and fiber. Cereals with refined grains and high amounts of sugar are a recipe for disaster. Diabetes UK cautions diabetics against high-sugar cereals such as Frosties, which have a whopping 37 grams of sugar per serving.
Dietitian Palinski-Wade recommends whole-grain, low-sugar cereals. Brands with added fiber, such as bran, help the body process sugar and stabilize insulin levels. Some brands, such as Cheerios and Shredded Wheat, should be eaten in moderation. They may not have high sugar, but they have high carbs.
Jams And Jellies Contain Lots Of Sugar

Fruit provides natural sugars that can benefit people with diabetes. However, jellies and jams are more sugar than fruit. They are preserved by heating sugar with fresh fruit, and one tablespoon of jam contains ten grams of sugar on average. If you spread jam on toast, you'll add sugar to more refined sugars, says registered dietitian Nicole Anziani.
Don't be fooled by the "no sugar" label, either. According to Diabetes UK, some brands will replace sucrose with fructose (another type of sugar), and call the jam "sugar-free." If you want a diabetic jam or jelly, make one at home.
Skip Happy Hour

Drinking with diabetes is tricky. On the one hand, the American Addiction Centers confirm that drinking contributes to diabetes. According to WebMD, moderate consumption raises your blood sugar. If you drink too much, your blood glucose will drop--which is incredibly dangerous for people with diabetes.
On the other hand, diabetics can safely drink in moderation, according to the American Diabetes Association. Women can have one serving and men can have two. A single serving is smaller than most people think: only 12 ounces of beer and five ounces of wine. If you're going to drink, be careful
The Least Healthy Vegetable Oil

When it comes to cooking oils, not all fats are created equal. Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, found the worst vegetable oil for diabetics: soybean oil. In animal studies, this oil increased body weight by 25%, far more than other cooking oils.
While buying cooking oils, watch out for a label that says "partially hydrogenated." In 2017, scientists learned that these vegetable oils--corn, canola, and safflower--rob peoples' motivation to exercise. The more fats people consumed, the less they partook in healthy, diabetes-fighting habits.
Don't Snack On Saltine Crackers

There are plenty of diabetic-friendly crackers out there, but saltines are not one of them. According to Diabetes Meal Plans, saltines are made with enriched flour. This is a type of refined grain that converts to sugar inside the body. For diabetes, you should buy whole wheat crackers.
Saltines also contain partially hydrogenated oils, including soybean and cottonseed oils. These oils increase inflammation in the body and cause people to gain weight. And we haven't even touched upon the salt yet! If you want a safe cracker for diabetes, don't choose saltines.
Frozen Dinners Contain Lots Of Sodium

When given the option, it’s always best to choose health over convenience. If you agree, it’s time to cross frozen dinners off your shopping list. Dieticians often stress the importance of diabetics monitoring their sugar intake, but don’t forget about foods packed with salt.
The preservatives and added flavors in frozen dinners send the salt levels skyrocketing. All this added sodium is harmful to diabetics, causing their blood pressure to rise and raise the risk of heart attack.
Gluten Free Doesn’t Mean Good

In recent years, “gluten-free” has nearly become synonymous with “healthy.” But consumers, especially diabetics, should be aware that foods labeled as “gluten-free” aren’t necessarily healthy, and the portion size can have you fooled into consuming more carbohydrates.
Because of the way they’re made, gluten-free foods are often more dense with carbohydrates and other ingredients that diabetics should avoid. If you do select a gluten-free food, take note of the portion size, and limit yourself accordingly.
Pretzels Are Too Salty

Pretzels are one of those foods that are also a favorite for some people. They’re an easy on-the-go snack that you might have found in your lunch pail. But now that we’re older and know better, it’s time to ditch the salty snack.
Even the naked eye can see that pretzels are packed with salt and sodium, and mainly consist of carbs. This flavor is not worth the harm to your heart when it comes to pretzels. The refined carbohydrates can cause blood sugar to spike with just one serving.
Bottled Tea Is Not Your Friend

Tea is bad?! Yes and no; hear us out. On its own, tea is beneficial to health, including diabetics. It’s the bottled tea that we need to keep a closer eye on. When picking up a refreshing drink on the go, take a minute to consider the label, and see the sugar count-- some bottled teas are shockingly high in sugar.
Also, make note of the serving size. Some of these bottled teas come in oversized cans that can lead the consumer to finish the entire drink, rather than capping it and saving the rest for later.
Bagels Are Worse Than Bread

Believe it or not, bagels do not have the same nutritional value as bread. Most bagels are made with refined grains and contain far more carbohydrates than regular bread. According to Dr. Matthew Freeby, a director of the Gonda Diabetes Center at UCLA, these carbs are a recipe for blood sugar spikes.
To put this into perspective, one bagel has the same amount of carbs as four to six slices of bread. Yikes! Even whole-grain bagels have a dangerously high amount of carbs for diabetics. Do yourself a favor, and eat bread instead.
Dark, Leafy Vegetables Are A Good Way To Go Green

Dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are healthy for diabetes. Their greatest strength is their high level of vitamin C. In 2015, researchers found that vitamin C reduces inflammatory markers and blood sugar. Published in Drug Design, Development, and Therapy, the study suggested that leafy greens may reduce symptoms in people with type 2 diabetes.
Leafy greens are packed with minerals while being low in calories and carbohydrates. Another study by the University of Lanchester concluded that eating more leafy greens reduces one's risk of type 2 diabetes. Spinach, cabbage, and kale will work wonders in a diabetic diet.
It Can Be Beneficial To Drink Milk In The Morning

For a long time, experts have debated over milk's effect on diabetes. But more and more studies are finding a positive link between the two. In the Journal of Dairy Science, a 2018 study found that eating breakfast with milk may help diabetic people throughout the day. The protein makes you feel fuller later, which regulates both blood sugar and appetite.
The researchers paired milk with a high-carbohydrate cereal and found promising results. In 2016, scientists at Tel Aviv University reported that dairy products control blood sugar more effectively than eggs and soy. The point is: feel free to eat a whole-wheat cereal.
A Few Berries Can Go A Long Way

Whether you prefer strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries, all help to combat diabetes. In the journal Obesity, researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology stated that berries benefit insulin resistance. In particular, those who ate two cups of raspberries a day had lower glucose concentrations.
Even a small amount of berries can help reduce the risk of diabetes. In a Chinese study, those who ate 17 grams of berries had a 5% drop in their risk of type 2 diabetes. That's equal to 13 blueberries, nine raspberries, two blackberries, and one large strawberry.
Peanut Butter Can Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes Later On

Natural peanut butter is a low glycemic food, and it's quite filling. Registered dietitian Erin Spitzberg recommends peanut butter because it "will slow digestion and keep you full a little longer." The gradual digestion will also prevent blood sugar spikes later in the morning.
During a pilot study in 2018, adults who ate two tablespoons of peanut butter with white bread and apple juice experienced a less extreme blood sugar spike. However, Spitzberg recommends spreading peanut butter over your favorite whole grain toast or oatmeal.
For Healthy Fats, Cook With Olive Oil

Although olive oil has a lot of calories, it reduces cholesterol more effectively than other types of fats. Olive oil contains healthy fats that regulate the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. During a 2015 study, researchers from Sapienza University in Rome discovered that olive oil reduces the harmful cholesterol, LDL.
Credit goes to olive oil's antioxidants, called polyphenols. According to the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology, these antioxidants lower inflammation and protect your blood cells. This way, olive oil may help regulate blood pressure.
What About Whole Grains?

Although some diabetic diets discourage bread, you don't have to cut out grains. The American Diabetes Association recommends eating whole grains if you have diabetes. Scientists from Chalmers University say that "there hasn't been a single study which has shown negative health effects" of whole grains on diabetes.
In 2018, these same researchers found that whole wheat reduces the risk of diabetes. Those who ate 50 grams a day (one bowl of cereal or one slice of bread) had a 22% - 34% lower chance of developing diabetes. So don't be afraid of whole-grain bread.
Don't Worry About Sweet Potatoes

Unlike other starchy foods, sweet potatoes can help reduce diabetic symptoms. Registered dietitian Leah Kaufman says that sweet potatoes have lower GI than white potatoes, so eating a medium-sized potato can regulate your blood sugar. They also provide anti-diabetic minerals such as vitamin C, iron, and fiber.
However, sweet potatoes' GI changes depending on how you cook them. In a 2011 study in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, researchers report that boiled sweet potatoes have the lowest GI. Roasting increased sweet potato GI more than any other method, although frying was a close second.
Eggs Can Be Good For Cholesterol

For years, eggs have been demonized for raising cholesterol. In reality, eggs reduce LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind) and raise HDL cholesterol (the heart-healthy kind). According to The British Journal of Nutrition, this cholesterol change can stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
During the 2011 study, participants ate two eggs a day to receive the benefits. Since eggs have a lot of protein, they keep you fuller and regulate your blood glucose. If you eat eggs, include the yolk, since most of the egg's nutrition comes from there.
Here's Another Reason To Enjoy Garlic

If you love garlic, you're in luck. Several studies have reported that garlic regulates blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation. During 2011 research in Pakistan, people with type 2 diabetes consumed 900 mg of garlic daily over 24 weeks. In the end, participants experienced better cholesterol, glycemic control, and triglycerides.
According to the Journal of Ayub Medical College, garlic also decreases LDL cholesterol and raises beneficial HDL cholesterol. Although a small amount of garlic won't transform your health, it's still another reason to enjoy garlic.
A Handful Of Nuts May Help Prevent Heart Disease

A handful of nuts every day may benefit people with diabetes. In 2019, a study in Circulation showed that nuts decrease the likelihood of heart disease in diabetic patients. After eating one-ounce servings of nuts five times a week, those with type 2 diabetes were 17% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
The researchers reported that the most effective nuts were walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. However, these aren't the only nuts that work. Cashews and peanuts also improve blood pressure and cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes, according to the Journal of Nutrition.
A Little Bit Of Cinnamon Can Make A Big Difference

Several studies have suggested that cinnamon can soothe diabetic symptoms. In 2012, a study in Nutrition Research found that cinnamon extract improved blood sugar in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Research noted the same result from cinnamon tea.
Chronic diabetes is determined by measuring hemoglobin A1c, which cinnamon directly affects. During a 2019 study, people with type 2 diabetes had lower A1c levels after consuming one gram of cinnamon every day for three months. You don't need a lot to make a difference. Stick to less than one teaspoon per day, as more can create health problems.
The Scoop On Beans

If you have diabetes, the American Diabetes Association says that it can be good to eat beans a couple of times each week. During a 2012 study published in JAMA, people who ate more beans gained better glycemic control. Beans have a low glycemic index, and they digest slowly, which keeps your blood sugar stable for longer.
Beans also provide a lot of fiber. According to Mayo Clinic, fiber slows the absorption of sugar to improve blood glucose levels. A high-fiber diet can also help prevent type 2 diabetes for those with high risk. For an easy source of fiber, eat more beans.
Don't Forget Citrus Fruits

The American Diabetes Association lists citrus fruits as diabetic superfoods. Although lemons and oranges are acidic, they still help diabetes. According to Harvard Health Publishing, eating citrus juice with a high GI food lowers the overall glycemic index. The acidity converts starch into sugar, which has a gentler effect on blood sugar.
Citrus fruits also prevent insulin resistance. According to a 2006 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, grapefruit relieves insulin resistance. Participants who ate more grapefruit also lost weight. Eating oranges, mandarins, limes, or lemons will similarly improve your health.
Tomatoes, Raw Or Cooked, Can Improve Blood Sugar

Whether raw or cooked, tomatoes can alleviate diabetic symptoms. During a 2011 study, participants who ate 200 grams (less than one cup) of tomatoes per day experienced better blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients also recorded improved blood pressure after eating tomatoes daily.
Tomatoes are non-starchy, low GI fruits (yes, they're fruits) with few carbohydrates. According to research, tomato's high vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and lycopene make them anti-diabetic and potentially anti-heart disease. It's no wonder why the American Diabetes Association recommends tomatoes.
Why Nutritionists Recommend Greek Yogurt

Unlike other types of yogurt, Greek yogurt has low carbohydrates with high protein. Diabetes educator Tami Ross, RD, recommends Greek yogurt to all of her patients. Because it's a low GI food, Ross explains, you can eat it in the morning to manage your blood sugar throughout the day.
In 2014, a study published in BMC Medicine noted that yogurt helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The researchers examined three large studies, and according to them, people who eat a cup of yogurt a day are 18% less likely to develop diabetes. So yogurt is clearly doing something right.
The Promise Of Ginger

Although research on ginger and diabetes is limited, the current studies seem promising. In 2018, scientists examined several clinical studies in the Archives of General Internal Medicine. They concluded that ginger lowers LDL cholesterol and raises heart-healthy HDL cholesterol. The root can also regulate blood sugar in patients with diabetes.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the arteries and blood vessels. Ginger powder supplements also help type 2 diabetes, according to a study in Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Talk to your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.
Chia Seeds Can Be Great For Diabetes

With high fiber and low carbs, chia seeds are the perfect diabetic food. They also supply omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for diabetes. During a 2017 controlled trial, diabetic patients who ate chia seeds experienced weight loss and more glycemic control. Over six months, chia seeds showed better results than an oat bran alternative.
Keep in mind that soaking chia seeds in water can help your body absorb their nutrients. You don't have to soak them overnight; simply drop them in water for two to three minutes before adding the seeds to smoothies, oatmeal, or cereal.
Quinoa: Better Than Rice

Quinoa is a seed that's eaten as a grain, similar to rice. It offers more protein and fiber than most rice, and it won't cause a blood sugar spike with its low glycemic index. Plus, one cup of cooked quinoa supplies only 40 carbohydrates. It's an easy alternative to rice.
The research backs up quinoa's health effects, too. According to a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food, Peruvian Andean grains like quinoa have powerful antioxidants. The researchers believe that quinoa can help manage type 2 diabetes.
Squash Provides Healthy Anitoxidants

Like many vegetables, squash contains a healthy amount of antioxidants. That may be why squash has improved insulin levels in animal studies. During a 2005 study, pumpkin proteins were fed to diabetic rats. The proteins increased serum insulin, lowered blood sugar, and heightened rats' tolerance to glucose.
More research needs to be done on squash's effects on humans. One study, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, recorded that winter squash improved blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. If you monitor your carbs, squash may help a diabetic diet.
Fatty Fish Helps Relieve Your Arteries

Fatty fish have high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon. Specifically, their fatty acids are DHA and EPA, which help reduce inflammation in your arteries. In Food & Nutrition Research, a 2016 study says that DHA and EPA help your arteries function after eating. This regulates your metabolism.
The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes eat fatty fish twice a week. In 2019, researchers from Chalmers University of Technology discovered that pollutant-free fatty fish prevents type 2 diabetes. If you're at high risk, consider eating fatty fish as well.