This Couple Made A Huge Change And Now They’re Unrecognizable
Lexi and Danny Reed were feeling fed up with living in bodies that didn't suit their desired lifestyle. They wanted to be active and engaged in the world, and their weight was holding them back. They decided to drastically change the way that they ate and behaved, and in just 18 months, they completely transformed their bodies.
These two worked together to achieve their goals and it brought them closer to each other as a couple. Keep reading to see what these two look like now after their drastic transformation.
Lexi Has Always Struggled With Her Weight

The woman in the pink dress in this photo is Lexi Reed. From the time she was a little girl, she had always been overweight. She went on countless diets and she tried various exercise regimens, but nothing really worked for her. Whenever she did manage to lose a bit of weight, she would always gain it back a few months later.
By the time she turned 25, she weighed 392 pounds. She wasn't able to move the way she wanted to and she felt like her weight was holding her back from achieving her dreams.
Lexi And Danny Fall In Love

As soon as Lexi and Danny met, these two knew that they were meant to be together. Danny was attracted to Lexi just the way she was, and Lexi accepted Danny, flaws and all. Danny also had some weight issues of his own. He was overweight too, and he wasn't paying that much attention to the food he was putting in his body.
Lexi and Danny were happy together, but they weren't happy in their own skin. They knew that they had to make a change.
A Health Scare Kicks Things Into High Gear

When Danny and Lexi met, Danny was 280 pounds. Danny admitted to being addicted to food. These two would overeat together, and they would often order in food rather than cook healthy meals themselves.
Danny and Lexi would often go to buffets and eat until they were completely stuffed. When they were together, they spent most of their time eating. All of the extra weight was really starting to take a toll on their bodies. Because she was so big, Lexi was at a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Lexi Knew She Couldn't Go On Like This

Lexi Reed knew that her weight was a big issue. Lexi said, "growing up, we never had a lot of money and my parents never cooked. Processed foods were always easier to purchase than healthy foods."
When she started dating Danny, the two of them fed their food addiction together. They would binge eat in front of the TV or indulge in fast food together. Lexi added, "no matter what the mood, food was always there for me."
These Two Weren't Very Active

Lexi loved being outdoors and she liked the idea of living an active lifestyle, but she wasn't able to go on hikes or bike rides because of her weight. These two spent most of their time parked in front of a television set. Lexie knew that she wasn't living up to her fullest potential.
Even though Lexi wanted to change her habits, she lacked the motivation and impetus to do so. It was easy to cuddle up next to Danny on the couch and ignore her problems.
Danny Gets Down On One Knee

When Danny proposed, everything changed for Lexi. She said, "He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful." Feeling like a queen on the inside, Lexi was devastated trying to find a wedding dress that would fit her.
Lexi, who has never been shy about her size, admitted she weighed 485 pounds at the time, "Nobody knew how to make me feel like a bride and not my size." At her lowest point, she questioned if she would be able to find a wedding dress. Spoiler alert, she did!
A Beautiful Wedding

For a while, Lexi was concerned that she'd never be able to find a wedding dress that fit her body. After a lot of searching and determination, she finally found a dress that made her feel special.
Lexi and Danny got married and they were happier than they had ever been, but they got nervous when they started to look towards their future. They knew they wanted to have children, but at Lexi's weight, getting pregnant posed a lot of health risks.
Lexi Wanted To Travel The World

Traveling was also a huge problem for Lexi at her current weight. She very much wanted to visit Universal Studios to see The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but at almost 500 pounds, she knew he wouldn't be able to fit on most of the rides in the park. She also knew that sitting in an airplane seat was incredibly difficult at her size.
Lexi was desperate to go to Florida and experience theme parks just like any other person.
Time Was Passing And Lexi Was Still Overweight

Lexi knew that she wanted to lose weight, it was just a matter of when. She let one year of marriage pass by without making any real changes to her diet or her lifestyle. Every day, she became more and more uncomfortable in her own skin. Losing over 300 pounds seemed like a daunting task, and Lexi really didn't know how to begin.
Time was passing by, and Lexi was still nearly 500 pounds. It took a special day of the year for her to finally commit to her health.
New Year, New Lexi

New Year's is a time where everybody resolved to be a little bit better, whether they want to make more money, exercise more, or lose a little bit of weight. On New Year's day in 2016, Lexi decided that she was done binge eating once and for all. She decided to actually change her diet and exercise habits, and she wanted Danny to go on this journey with her.
Danny was excited about this new chapter in his marriage and in his life. He wanted to be kinder to his body too.
Danny Never Looked Back

Danny admitted, "At first the idea didn’t sound great because it was always good going home, sitting down, eating and not having to worry about anything." Danny was content with his life, but he wanted to support Lexi. If he could get healthier in the process, that was just the icing on the cake (so to speak).
Danny changed his tune and said, "It’s a new year and something to work toward while helping Lexi out as well."
They Stuck To A Few Simple Rules

Lexi had tried to lose weight before, but this time, she had Danny on her side. The couple laid out some ground rules for their weightloss journey. For the first month, they promised, "no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.”
It was a big and sudden change, but they knew they had to do something drastic. They were determined to prove to themselves and to others that they had self-control.
Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Lexi said, "We were fed up with the life that we were living and all the things that we weren’t able to do together as a couple. We also feared if we didn’t get our health under control, we would never be able to start a family."
Lexi started taking pictures of her body every week to track her progress. She would take pictures of Danny's progress too. Together, they decided to post their journey on social media to keep themselves accountable and to inspire other people to take control of their own bodies as well.
Lexi Had Trouble Finding A Gym That Fit Her Needs

Because of her weight, Lexi suffered from severe joint pain. She needed to find a gym with equipment that was suited to her particular needs. She didn't have enough money for a personal trainer, but she still needed to find an exercise regimen that worked for her body.
Thankfully, Lexi and Danny were on this journey together, and they were prepared to tackle each challenge that came their way. They knew they could find a gym that would work for them.
The Perfect Place To Workout

Lexi knew that she wanted a gym that had equipment that wouldn't put too much stress on her joints. She also wanted to work out in a pleasant atmosphere. She was still very self-conscious and she didn't want people to judge her as she was exercising.
Lexi said, " I found a machine called the CrossRamp that didn’t hurt my joints at 485 pounds — I fell in love with it.” Lexi was well on her way to getting her dream body.
80% Diet, 20% Exercise

Weight loss is all about balancing your caloric intake with your caloric output. That means that exercise can only get you so far. Exercise is great for heart health and overall fitness, but when it comes to weight loss, diet is the name of the game.
Lexi and Danny stopped eating fast food and fried foods. They got rid of all of their frozen pizzas and started to learn how to cook. Now Lexi and Danny love cooking for each other.
A Lifestyle Change, Not A Diet

Lexi and Danny are very adamant that they haven't been on a diet, they've totally changed their lifestyle. This isn't a temporary mode of eating, it's a shift in the way they think about food as a whole.
Lexi found healthier ways to still enjoy the foods that she loved in order to make her new lifestyle sustainable longterm. She said, "I started taking the foods I loved and making healthier versions, so I no longer felt like I had to give up something or deprive [myself].”
Lexi Is Thankful For Danny's Support

These two have been supporting each other on this journey, and it really does seem to be working for them. Lexi knows that Danny gave her the confidence she needed to put her health first, and Danny knows that he would never have even gone to the gym in the first place if it wasn't for Lexi.
These two were pushing each other to be better, which is what a good partnership is all about.
So Much Happens At The Gym

The more Lexi went to the gym, the more confidence she gained. She started taking classes at the gym, and she even made a few friends at her Pulse class.
Now her support system was growing even bigger. She didn't just have Danny on her side, she had her new friends as well. Lexi said, "I love dancing to my favorite music and not feeling like it’s a workout. We can do a song full of squats and even though my legs are burning, it’s so much fun that I don’t even notice."
A Huge Difference

Lexi put her heart and soul into this mission and all of her hard work was finally paying off. Lexi was able to see results pretty quickly. In just one month, she lost 20 pounds. She continued along that trajectory until she could fit two of herself in her wedding dress from a couple of years ago.
At a certain point, it became harder to lose weight. Like most other people who try to lose weight, Lexi plateaued. Still, Lexi persisted and kept going to the gym five times per week.
Don't Forget About Danny

Danny was always lighter than Lexi, but he had a few pounds to shed too. His body changed significantly after changing up his diet and working out at the gym five times per week.
In just two years, Danny slimmed down from 280 pounds to 190! He lost most of that weight in the first year of his journey. Even when the rate of his progressed slowed down, Danny kept watching what he ate and going to the gym, just like his wife.
Lexi Looks Like A Different Person

In May 2018, Lexi announced that she had lost a total of 312 pounds. At this point, she looks like a completely different person. Lexi said that the first change she noticed in her body was that her stomach stopped resting on the table when she sat down in restaurants.
Now she has plenty of room at the table when she does decide to treat herself and go out to eat. She is still very particular about what she orders, and she never eats fast food.
A Social Media Star In The Making

Lexi continued posting pictures of her progress on Instagram. She titled her account, "Fat Girl Fed Up" and posted motivational mantras to help herself and others stay on track with their weight loss goals.
Lexi amassed quite a following on social media, and at last count, she had over 1.2 million followers on her verified Instagram account. This woman was making the world a better place one photo at a time. Her Instagram feed is all about treating your body with respect.
A Bigger Platform For Lexi

Lexi and Danny's story spread all over the internet and quickly caught the attention of some major news stations. Their story was featured on television several times, and they even appeared on an episode of the Rachel Ray show.
Even though Lexi and Danny have made it big, they're still the same down to earth couple from two years ago. Lexi hasn't let all of that internet fame get to her head. She's working hard every single day.
A Major Accomplishment
Before Lexi and Danny began their weight loss journey, they weighed a combined 800 pounds. Now, they weigh less than half that amount. They've lost a combined total of over 400 pounds!
To celebrate their achievements, they went back to the waterside where Danny proposed. The Lexi's amazement, she was now able to run along the beach, when in the past, even a short walk would have made her feel exhausted.
Lexi Becomes A Wizard!

Lexi always wanted to go to Universal Studios to visit the WIzarding WOrld of Harry Potter. Lexi finally got to have her dream honeymoon. She had no problem fitting on the plane or on any of the rides at the park.
Lexi and Danny were so happy that they were able to enjoy their vacation without worrying about carrying around all of that extra weight. They were also very happy that this was a goal they were able to accomplish together.
A New Lease On Life

Lexi is now at a healthy weight for the first time in her life. She said, "I am grateful for every single day, and I am enjoying the journey. I loved myself even at 485 pounds, but just to be able to wake up and do whatever I want to do and go wherever I want to go… I don’t feel like I’m a prisoner in my own body anymore.”
Lexi is loving her new life, and she no longer has to worry about fitting into airplane seats.
She Never Forgets What It Took To Get Here

Lexi will never forget all of the hard work and dedication that it took for her to get to this point. In August 2018, she made an Instagram post to remind her followers that every journey is different:
"We all start somewhere. I remember how hard it was the first MANY times that I went to my local pulse/Zumba class at over 450lbs. It never gets easier, you get stronger! 1 hour done, another sweaty shirt covered, and another day reminding myself how far I've come from that girl in the back row. You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great. Start today!"
All Natural Weight Loss

Lexi is very proud of the fact that she was able to accomplish all of her weight loss goals without turning to surgery, diet pills, or crazy diets. She simply ate fewer calories, made healthier choices, and increased her physical fitness.
She posted this photo of sushi on her Instagram with the caption, "I aim for the less sodium filled rolls (salmon roll), limit my carbs, and pair with salad while he gets the rest with Miso! Sushi is a food that can be healthy depending on how its ordered, topped, and as well as in moderation."
It's Not A Success-Only Journey

Often times, Instagram celebrities only share the very best parts of their lives with their followers. Lexi wasn't trying to hide anything about her weight loss journey. She wanted her followers to be there for all of her ups and her downs.
She wants people to know that it wasn't easy to get to where she is now. She failed time and time again. She often posts old photos of herself to her Instagram page to remind others that if she can do it, they can do it too.
It's All About Your Mental State

In the Summer of 2018, she told her followers, "Speak nicely to yourself because you're always listening."
She added, "Weight loss is just as mental as it is physical. The way that we speak to ourselves and our thoughts are so important. If we're constantly negative, full of excuses and complaining it's only going to affect ourselves. If you don't believe in yourself, constantly put yourself down, or believe you won't ever lose weight - then chances are your thoughts will match your actions."
The First Time She Was Able To Wear A Concert T-Shirt

Sometimes it's the little things in life that really bring you happiness. When Lexi was over 400 pounds, she couldn't wear concert t-shirts. None of them came in her size. Now that she's lost over 300 pounds, she can show off her love for one of her favorite bands by sporting a very cool band t-shirt.
Lexi said, "In all honesty, I attended Vans Warped Tour for 8+ years and this was the first time I could EVER buy a t-shirt! Not being able to wear the clothing I wanted was one of my many reasons for losing weight. I felt like I could never express myself."
Lexi Isn't Afraid Of Anything

This girl has been through a lot in her young life. She's been able to experience a lot of new things now that she has a new body shape. Lexi posted this photo of herself in a kayak with the caption,
“Today I overcame my fear of lakes (aka snakes, etc) and got in a kayak for the first time ever. You know what? I didn't die, flip, get eaten by snakes, or anything else I was scared of but I actually enjoyed myself.”
Mix It Up And Stay Motivated

Lexi and Danny know that it's easy to get bored at the gym when you keep repeating the same workout routine. Lexi reminded her followers to keep things interesting at the gym. She also reminded them that there's always time to get an effective workout in:
“10 hard minutes can be just as effective as an easy 30 if you push yourself! You don't have to live in the gym! Make it fun and start where you can. MOVE. Remember at the end of the day, diet is key and we all start somewhere!”
You Don't Need A Gym To Stay Fit

Some people don't have access to a gym, or they feel daunted by the idea of working out in front of others people. Lexi let her followers know that you don't have to belong to a gym to get healthy. All you need to go for a walk or a run is a pair of good running shoes.
Also, there are plenty of ways that you can get exercise in the great outdoors. Lexi shared this photo with the caption, “I encourage you to get out, spend time with nature, and explore! Some of my favorite memories with my husband are our adventures together definitely not the ones spent just existing on our couch!”
How She Stays Motivated

Lexi admits that it isn't always easy for her to muster up the will power to go to the gym. She also knows that anything worth doing in life isn't going to be easy. She keeps going even when the going gets tough.
Lexi posted, "Started my weekend off right making my dry fit shirt look like false advertising this morning. When I woke up I was sore, tired, and full of excuses not full of motivation. However, despite my excuses, I knew I had to get it done... I've never been a morning person but I've learned that the key to weight loss is in your daily habits. When I started getting up at 6 am before 10-hour work shifts to take care of me, it helped change my life."
Healthier Alternatives To Your Favorite Meals

It can be hard to stick to a healthy diet when you're faced with so many delicious options at a restaurant. Lexi knows that sometimes it's those pesky side dishes that contain the most calories and unhealthy fats.
Lexi posted this photo with the caption, "Dinner out with my family tonight. I ordered grilled Mahi Mahi without the Mayo sauce, plain baked potato with cinnamon seasoning & salad bar. Beware of extra condiments that can easily increase your calories and don't be afraid to make the menu work for you!"
Danny Has An Instagram Account Too

Danny has an Instagram account of his own (called Discovering Danny). He posts lots of photos of his weight loss journey and his wonderful life with his wife, Lexi. He recently shared this photo of himself at the gym after a hard workout.
According to Danny, this workout involved "back day for 35 minutes. I also threw in some extra biceps, triceps, and ab training. Followed by 20 minutes of cardio. Feeling strong and lean today."
A Lean, Mean, Eating Machine

Danny also shares photos of his lean, healthy meals on his Instagram account. This meal looks like it's delicious, healthy, and super high in protein.
Danny posted this photo with the caption, "Today's lunch was grilled chicken breast with @franksredhot and grilled zucchini. This was @fatgirlfedups photo but I had to steal it and post it because it was so good." That must be one spicy chicken breast. We hope Danny can handle the heat.
Together Through Thick And Thin

Danny and Lexi loved each other before they began this weight loss journey, but now that they've been through this experience together, they're closer than they ever were before.
Danny posted this photo with the caption, "Today's workout was shoulders and traps for 40 minutes. I also got 20 minutes walking with this cutie." These two are both cuties, and the hard work they've put into their bodies really shows. We're so proud of Lexi and Danny for sticking to their goals and sticking together.